


Programs the PTO Funds and Supports

Money raised by the PTO sponsored events helps purchase supplemental materials for WCH students and staff. One hundred percent of the money raised through PTO goes directly back to benefit the WCH students. PTO’s role has become even more critical as we raise funds to supplement the cost of the schools’ needs.


What programs does the PTO help fund?

The Outdoor Garden 



The Outdoor Learning Area



Digital Subscriptions



Technology in the classrooms (ChromeBooks and VR headsets)




Supporting Field Trip Transportation Costs



Teacher Appreciation Luncheons



Staff Appreciation Giftcards 



WatchDOG Program


Math Club


STEM supplies and school supplies as needed



What happens to the money raised by the PTO?

Each year a budget is created and voted on by our members. From this, we decide where the funds will go. Each year the PTO strives to raise at least enough funds to meet some of the items on the wish list of the school administration. While fundraising is not our primary goal, it is an important aspect of the PTO.